Is there no end to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict? Since 1948 the long-drawn battle has degenerated into a scale of unmanageable proportion and the Palestinians are not flinching an inch; they seem convinced of some unforeseen miracle that might finally, uproot the Israelis, somehow from territories they claim, belong only to them; and for this purpose, they have played deaf ears to any other recipe capable of producing the much needed peaceful settlement; they claim Jerusalem belongs to them and, infact, their future capital; amongst other hotly contested demands is the return to pre-1967 borders by the Israelis, an insistence that has left negotiators tired and flustered.
For this and other selfish reasons, the prospects for an amicable solution have continued to be elusive if not altogether impossible. The prolonged armed struggle has predictably, snowballed into a ritual of bloodshed, avoidable pogrom, and needless economic blockade. The attendant effect is as expected mindless impoverishment, not to mention the increasing batch of mourners and antagonists. It is therefore not surprising that arch enemies, especially Iran, have inexorably cashed in on the chaotic situation to promote violent militant groups just so as to sustain the tempo of what they call Resistance. From Lebanon to Syria, Iraq, the West Bank and Gaza the soiled hands of Iran are visible in the stockpile or deadly arsenals, including rockets and missiles. Israel is now said to be surrounded by 5,000 to 7,000 projectiles.
This revelation serves only to confirm their loss of faith in diplomacy. No meaningful progress can be achieved with continued armament. And the long-term implications are ominous. For one, Israel will never acquiesce, knowing that to do so would signal their death kneel, and secondly, the holocaust, in which nearly 6 million Jews lost their lives is still fresh in their memory. This explains why, perhaps, the only language they understand against the Palestinians is brute force. The Israelis have been constantly evolving and now have developed technologies capable of containing any aggression or detecting any hostile activity around their territory.
They tried in the past to broker a two-state solution; and as a show of their seriousness withdrew from Gaza, one of the territories the Palestinians claim as theirs. But no sooner they did, than Hamas, a warring faction of the Palestine Liberation Organization moved in and militarized the zone. So far, they have fought four destructive wars in a bid to upstage the Israelis—even denying their right to exist. One wonders what they intend to achieve through this gambit. Resorting to military confrontation is certain to precipitate a repeated backlash. Sadly, the world has moved on, branding the conflict as intractable; they have had enough of the un-abating cauldron, from which there is no love lost.
The truth about the whole saga is that the Palestinians must turn a new leaf; common sense dictates that nothing can be achieved through a military approach They should look inwards, strengthen internal democracy and seek better ties with Israel. What Israel wants is peace—and secured borders. The Palestinians must shun obstreperous instigators like Iran and forge new frontiers with peace-loving allies. Their ego has been chafed for too long. It is time to consider the plight of their youths and work for a new Palestine. There is little or no benefit from the constant conflagration or genuine support. They need to be told that no country is ever free from problems; they only learn to manage them. Israel has a right to exist and they too.
Hezbollah and other militant groups such as the Islamic Jihad are all endangered species—and must face realities. They should think more about building schools, hospitals, good roads, and sound infrastructure; the younger generation of Palestinians deserve a decent life away from the orgy of violence. The world wants to see footage of constructive work going on– not the charred remains of “martyrs” regularly flashed on television and newspapers. We have gone past the stage of open expression of strong emotions. The doors should be shut against implacable leaders who exploit the violence to enrich themselves—to justify the huge payout from their shadowy masters. No Palestinian State can be created using violence. That opportunity may be missed forever if they insist and wait too long. Whether Hamas or Islamic Jihad or Hezbollah, it is time to sue for peace—if truly they deserve a homeland.